GANHS Convention Candidate Registration Form
The purpose of this from is to let us know who you are and what position you would like to run for at the convention. The GANHS State Board has seven offices: President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Media Representative and Chaplain. We encourage all candidates to attend at least one state board meeting in order to learn the responsibilities of all members. If you need more information, please contact
A Display may be set up at the convention center after 4PM Sunday. A science fair type tri-fold display board will be the only acceptable board. Each officer will be allowed one display board only. No items such as candy, buttons, etc may be given away at the display. Tables will be provided. You may make campaign T-shirts or other promotional material that can only be worn by members of your chapter. You also need to make an 81/2 by 11 campaign flyer, which will be distributed in the folders by the state board at the convention. You will be given five minutes to address each voting caucus at convention, so you should write a short speech to present at this time. Remember to allow some time for the delegates to ask you questions. You should also select a campaign manager to introduce you to each caucus. Please complete this form and mail it to ATTN: NHS Hannah Taylor 6500 Alexander Parkway Douglasville GA 30135. We wish you success and please do not hesitate to contact any of the State Board Advisors if you have any questions. Please print 75 flyers and mail to: Alfredia Braylark 4640 Raiders Ridge Lane Lithonia, GA 30038
Please print or type:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____ ____ _______ Email:_________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________________________
Office (Check one) ___President ___Vice-President ___Recording Secretary
___Corresponding Secretary ___Treasurer ___Chaplain ___Media Representative
Your signature constitutes a pledge to abide by all campaign rules and fulfill the duties of your office if elected.
Candidate’s Signature :__________________________________________ Date: __________________
Your signature constitutes a pledge to accompany your officer to all GANHS state meetings and to supervise your officer’s duties.
Advisor’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________________
I release the above mentioned candidate and advisor as needed to attend GANHS State Meetings.
Principal’s Signature_____________________________________________________________________
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